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Disinfecting air conditioner filters

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Information before disinfecting air conditioner filters

Disinfecting air conditioner filters is a very simple task if we know how to do it properly. This procedure will help us removing bad smells produced by fungi in a very effective way and will help us keeping our air conditioner in a good way.

Before doing this, we must be careful because if we aren’t we can ruin our filters, leaving them useless given that the nylon which our filters are made of are pretty delicate.

How to disinfect air conditioner filters

Cleaning air conditioner filters

The very first thing we have to do in order to begin disinfecting is to clean filters in the most effective way in order to remove all dirtiness, like dust, hair, etc.

In order to do that, we will use any specific product to clean air conditioners, spraying over the filters and waiting for fifteen minutes so the product can work. After this time, rinse in order to remove the product.

If we find some resistant dirtiness, we can rub the filters with our hands or with some brush to assure most dirtiness has gone.

Given that not everyone can afford this specific product, we can replace it with some soft soap.

Spray gently the filters until it’s fully saturated

Disinfecting air filters

Once the cleaning has been done and without waiting for them to dry -even if it’s advisable-, we will proceed disinfecting. This can also be done with some specific product.

The disinfection process will take place in a well ventilated place, for the product can be a little bit irritating.

The way to proceed in this case will be similar to the previous one, spraying abundantly the filters so that they are well soaked and letting the product act for a while, in this case approximately one hour.

Once this is done and the product is dry, we can put the filters back in our air conditioning, being advisable not to stay near it during the following three hours and letting the enclosure ventilate.

It would also be advisable to turn the unit on in ventilation mode to help eliminate the product, in this case we should avoid being at home or in the room where the air conditioning is located because although the product is not toxic, it can generate a little irritation.

Home disinfection of air conditioning filters

We can manufacture a powerful fungicide base on ¼ of bleach and ¾ of water

If we want to ‘produce’ an effective fungicide ourselves and save a little money, we can use a mixture of 1/4 bleach with 3/4 water and use it directly with a spray on our filters in the same way as with the specific disinfection product. Bleach is a very powerful and effective disinfectant, it is much easier to obtain and also much cheaper.

Another option if you have to clean many filters because you have several units at home, is to immerse them in a bucket of this mixture and keep them there for a few minutes to make their effect, after this time, you can take them out and let them air out in a well ventilated space and finish the process.

In any case, remember that it is advisable to take precautions by protecting your hands with gloves, your eyes with some goggles and also by covering your airways with some kind of protective mask, to prevent these products from irritating you.

If even doing this process the bad smell persists, you can check the other causes of this possible smell and how to prevent and eliminate them as explained in this other article.

Prevent and eliminate bad odor from air conditioning

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